Sunday, February 13, 2011

I try

I really do. Sigh. I guess I'm dropping back down in limits once again. So I'll run good there when it won't matter as much. I owe you $3.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Four by Four

"Four by four by four by four!" "By four!"

Today is Tuesday, but because much of this happened yesterday, it's still a Metal Monday.
I got an email yesterday from a certain blogger who cc'd another certain blogger. If you threw StB into the mix, you might begin to figure out what the 3 of those guys had in common and why they'd be emailing me.

In short, I'm going.

This concert will fill a void I've been missing, namely seeing Anthrax in concert. I saw Metallica 3 times in 1988, Megadeth once in 1987, and Slayer once in 2002. As I told those guys, I'm super excited to hang out with them in a non-gambling environment. I spend each blogger gathering locked at a poker table and missing out on the interaction between friends. Even though I tell myself not to do that each year, I fail. At least for this trip, that won't happen.

Besides, how can you take my taste in music seriously if I told you the last 3 concerts I saw were Phish, Phish, and Phish?