Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Day Zero

Due to my procrastination, finding and booking a flight to Vegas was proving to be difficult. Fellow blogger Otis had booked his flight from the nearby Charlotte airport and when I went to check on prices for that flight, I was shocked and chagrinned at what Orbitz was claiming to be a fair price. In order to save about $300 I had to book my flight through Atlanta. Then fly to Charlotte. Ugh. The first leg of my journey began at 6:00AM so to make things a bit easier, a local buddy and I drove to Atlanta the night before so that I’d have less of an issue making my flight.

After reaching our destination at about 9:30PM we had dinner across the street from where we were staying. As time wore on, and mainly due to us being total degenerates, we went to a local establishment. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. Say no more, say no more.

As is fitting, my single sampling of the local talent had the fortuitous coincidence of occurring to the tune of Cowboys From Hell. I stopped what the fine young lass was doing, turned to my buddy Tommy and raised a toast to Dimebag. After the toast, I looked back at the slightly confused stripper and said, “You may continue.”

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